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cephasong has written 7 posts for Life of Christ Ministries

An Incredible Love Story

In the book of John 14:2 is a story as narrated by Jesus figuring his desire for mankind. It is a story of love. To the reader, this is a promise that Jesus gave to the church, but behind that statement is an incridible love story that would help us understand the other side of Jesus … Continue reading

Media: Gallery – Bishop Kaluba in action at Divine Empowerment Church Conference

The Life of Exploits

By Bishop Anthony Kaluba The life of exploits thrives on fundamental principles that remain unchangeable. Let me now take you into a step by step journey as you discover the hidden exploits of your life. The greatest discovery in life is the discovery of self. The discovery and usage of the unthought-of of thoughts brings … Continue reading

Bishop Kaluba In Chingola

Bishop Anthony Kaluba is attending a conference in Chingola under the theme Planted to be never Uprooted. He is accompanied by his wife Mrs S Kaluba. The three days conference which comes to close on Sunday 22nd December had a mighty move of God as stated by Bishop Kaluba in his own word. He adds … Continue reading

Media: Video – Bishop Malon at the Conference

Bishop Malon Musonda conducting a prayer session at the just ended 2013 International Conference watch on YouTube

The Youth Fellowship Committee

The vibrant and energetic ministry of the church is the youth department. The ministry is founded on the principles of discipline and empowerment through member participation in various activities the ministry carry’s out. The youths ministry Is a backbone on which the church relies to raise able leaders who thought after the heart of God. … Continue reading


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