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An Incredible Love Story

In the book of John 14:2 is a story as narrated by Jesus figuring his desire for mankind. It is a story of love.

To the reader, this is a promise that Jesus gave to the church, but behind that statement is an incridible love story that would help us understand the other side of Jesus mission on earth.

The statement Jesus made “I will go to my fathers house and prepare a place for you” was a common promise made by a groom to his bridge before marriage.

Before Jesus was born, Mary, his mother, had not been legally married to Joseph. And this might be the same promise that Joseph made to Mary and in between the moment Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit.

When a jewish boy was about 18-20 years of age he went out to look for his bride (wife to be) and when he found one he would cherish and lavish her with his love untill the bride was conviced and the two agree, the groom would then return to the father and anounce of his intention. At this point the two families would meet and agree on the bride price and seal the deal with the drinking of wine.

Then the groom would start preparing the place where the two would live. It was within the family compound only that this was to be a new house for a new bride.

During this time which lasted up to two years, the groom was basically always there for the bride in everything she wanted while he ‘prepared a place for her’ and she was considered a ‘no go area’ by other guys with similar intentions.

After the groom was done with his preparation the wedding ceremony took place that lasted for probably seven days. It was a huge ceremony and people enjoyed themselves as it was considered a victory and a battle won.

Jesus performed a similar activity on us his ‘bride’ he purchased us with a price and has gone to his father to prepare a place for us. During this period we are his children and what ever we ask in his name we have have it. The bible talks about a great jubilee that will be held to them that will endure to the end.

Jesus remains and he is the ony way to father, the good part is that he perfomed his side of the recruiting and your part is to accept him if you are to partake in the love story he wrote through the Holy Scriptures.

To finish the story you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Accept him today this very hour.

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