The 2011 International Conference In Progress

The 2011 International Conference In Progress

Life of Christ Ministries is an active church in terms of events, our annual action plan is filled with activities both for local and outings. The three main bodies of the church are responsible for events handling with specific targets and objectives.

The Youths

The Committee hold its annual National Conference ever April of the year. The conference attracts members from all Life of Christ Ministries Missions from as far as copper belt and from southern province. The conference is usually a five day events held in from of a camp. Other events by the youth fellowship includes, Talent Shows, Life Management Picnics, Sports day and an outing for the Sunday school. however, the youths are not limited to the mentioned events as their annual action plan is an ever revolving document.

The Womens

The women’s committee also holds their annual conference in July, this is a national conference that attracts all membership from various LCM missions, the events also opens it’s doors to other churches to participate. Four days of power-packed conference is also held in camp format usually out of Lusaka. The women’s are the most active committee of LCM holding events from Kitchen Parties to baby showers and special adventure based activities.

The Church

The church council has just one major event held every August, and this is the International conference. The conference attracts speakers from all over Africa and beyond. This is usually a 6 days events. The conference covers all topics from spiritual leadership to family matters, health and financial education. All committees are covered as the conference takes time to split and teach individual age groups.

Other events held are fundraising dinner, tea party, braii and concerts mainly by the Headquarters Committee of the Projects committee.

As stated above Life of Christ Ministries is an active church, we do not just live on preaching but we take time to have fun and enjoy the beautiful creation given to us by God.

For more on our events, look out for the action plan for 2014 coming on this site.


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