Life Of Christ Ministries Head Quaters

Life Of Christ Ministries Head Quarters

Life of Christ Ministries was founded in 1999 with the purpose of reaching the spirit hungry Christian with the benefits of the cross which are
And prosperity
Over the years we have moved from just being an ordinary church to a powerfully committed Christian family with empowerment in spirit body and soul.
Our main purpose is to transport eagle Christians to a life of rest.
. Life of Christ Ministries adopts an executive hierarchy system of administration; the church council consist of three main bodies which are Men’s, Women’s And Youth which in turn spearhead other sub committees such as Funerals, Evangelism, Marriage, Aged Group, and community outreach programmes, the church communicates to members through Zones which are subdivided into cell (a meeting of not more than 15 persons). this enables the church to understand and tackle problems faced by individual members

And this is how we interprate the Vision

Salvation to means that you attain the full requirements for a life that is prepared in heaven for you (Jonh 14) we conduct deliverance sessions from time to time to ensure we have sober infirmities free Christians

Growth to us means that you develop your skills as a Christian to equip with neccesary tools which will enable stand affirm in your life. It is a sin to be a stagnant Christian when Jesus has provided a life full of about abundance.

Prosperity means you posses your possessions which your father in heaven has provided. The but bible say he (Jesus) become poor so we can become rich.

We are located in Kamwala South of Lusaka Zambia. With us is a gigantic project of building in which we intend to build what will be the biggest Church in kamwala south a chawama respectively. We are committed to the vision of enriching people’s live with with the gospel of Jesus.

Contact us
Life of Christ Ministries
Gilgal Mission Center (HQ)
P.O. Box 151 Chawama 10200
Email: lifeofchrist24@yahoo.com

Church Programmes
Monday: drama rehearsals
Tuesday: Cell meetings in various Zones
Wednesday: midweek service
Thursday and friday: Praise team rehearsal
Saturday: morning – women’s fellowship. Midday – youth and praise rehearsals. Evening – Mens fellowship
Sunday morning: Church Service.


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