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The Youth Fellowship Committee


Junior praise team singing at the 2011 national conference

The vibrant and energetic ministry of the church is the youth department. The ministry is founded on the principles of discipline and empowerment through member participation in various activities the ministry carry’s out.
The youths ministry Is a backbone on which the church relies to raise able leaders who thought after the heart of God. This is critical owing to the fact that this is an ever changing generation with specific leadership and guidance needs.  The young people of this generation require more than a leader but mentor-ship, counseling and proper guidance that is able to properly distinguish right from wrong.  A kind of peer to peer leadership that embraces ‘role model’ Approach.

At Life of Christ Youth ministry, we use an up to date leadership style that stands to meet basic needs of today’s youths.  We incorporate vices as used by youths to capture their much needed attention.
These include:
a) Drama: the drama group caters for all talents and performing arts including plays, poems, dancing, comedy and all unidentified talents.  One unique thing about the drama group is the ability to accommodate any talent that comes along, we always ask “what can you do?” this is because we believe in an actively participating youth. Letting you sit idle is not our target at drama group.
b) Music: this not merely praise team singing worship on Sunday but we accommodate other genre like hip-hop rap, dance-hall, tagged etc.  We will support you whether you want to sing along with the praise team or want a solo career. Other talents covered in music include instruments like drums, keyboard, guitar or any you might want to introduce,  we will support you.
b) Sports: whether for exercise or professional, the sports department will embrace your needs in football, netball, volleyball. We are working hard to tag along other sports activities as required by our youths. Apart from physique, we also cover mind challenging games like chess, scramble etc.
c)Media: at media center we aim to empower people with knowledge with our main target being social media, political information and educating youths on various events happening world over. Our media folks are not just journalist wanna-be but well informed youths. Information is power.
d) Life Skills Development offers career guidance and teach life management tools in areas of sex, peer pressure, after-school life skill, support for financially challenged youth, dating and marriage, financial education. All these tools are tackled by means of seminars, picnic outing, adventures and through our annual conference.

At LCM youth we use an holistic approach into guiding our your young people, in all these we do not forget our main purpose,  which is leading the souls to Jesus. Our mentors, teachers and facilitators are people you can interact with in real time, people who have gone through youth and passed it successfully. They are able to guide you into a life of success.  All we need is your commitment.

Get on board!

About cephasong

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